Sunday, September 11, 2011

Funeral(short clip)

  Mixed race couple symbolizes Racial Harmony, it shows two people of different race, from the speech given by the wife, i knew that she was deeply in love with him. Although they are different in skin color, race, and language but they love each other despite these differences. This not only shows us about love and also Race does not make any difference as we are one in Singapore.

  Bad traits, reminded when someone you loved left you permanently. But where did those perfection goes..? I think they've become the memories you had with them. When someone left you, you wouldn't remember their good traits, maybe. Instead, you would be reminded of them by the bad traits, the imperfections that remind us of them.

  It has promoted family values...this short yet meaningful clip had clearly shown how she and her children missed their father. We are feeling completely different from them now as we still have those that we loved. The feeling of losing something precious will never be understood unless one had lose something precious before. Only then one will regret not to cherish while he/she still has it.
This clip had reminded me to cherish those people or things we have now before it's too late..

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Favourite character(from a movie)

   My favorite character is Perseus from Clash of the Titians. The story is quite long, so basically it is talking about a man, demi-god whose father is Zeus,  in the mortal world going through all the troubles to confront the Gods. His reason of doing is not just for his people and also for his foster father that had died under Hades' minions.
   I admired him as he had the leadership qualities and bravery, he lead a small group of fighters in finding the  Medusa, before they found the place, they went through uncountable obstacles. But they remained brave and fought on for the sake of their people and country. At last they reached their destination, and it was just the beginning. Medusa was almost divine, she was hard to defeat, it took away all the other warriors' lives. Looking at how his followers were turned to stone and killed, he felt useless but did not give up even though his was alone. Instead he fought even better with his strength derived from his anger. This part of scene had demonstrates how Perseus had leadership quality and brave enough to fight on even when he is all alone.
   His belief is another thing or reason that gave me the courage to go on. "Someday, someone is going to make a stand. Someday, someone is going to say 'Enough!' ", this was said to him right before his foster family died under Hades' minions. This saying had kept him going on all the way to the end, he did not just do it because his foster father said so, he did it for everyone in the confront the Gods. This shows how noble he is as he is willing to sacrifice himself to hope against hope, just to speak for the people.
   There was many scene where his actions show how he can fight well despite that he did not go for any training. One of them was at the Medusa scene, it was his first time fighting Medusa and he know how to kill her in the end. No one tells him how. He himself that one look in her eyes will be the end, so he uses a shield to guide the way as there's reflection on it. This clearly shows how talented he is in fighting.
   I'm actually quite different from him in a way of leadership. He was a great leader that knows how to lead people and leadership does not only mean leading the way, it consists of many elements like remain calm in desperate situation, fight for people and never giving up. All these elements also earns him respect.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011


  I find unseen poetry an interesting form of writing as it uses move words to express itself and add 'flavor' to what it is trying to convey.It uses the literary devices to express the situation instead of writing in a plain way.By writing this way, the readers will find the story or passage nice as it helps to exaggerate the situation

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Literature Performance(so far)

  We are still making some props but the making of background props(dancers) and the costumes of each character are almost completed, we used some card boards to make the props(dancers) and some other things. The costumes are almost completed as there is still some characters without a costume to wear. Up to now, we have met up about two times during weekends and rarely during school days as the schedule is too tight, everyone is going for CCA almost everyday for the NDP. We have rehearse one full round during lit. class and our 1st meeting, on the 2nd meeting, we have rehearse specifically on each scene and what the 'talking' character must do and not-to-do.

  There is slightly some difficulties in attendance but we cooperate with each other very well. Last meeting, 'Romeo' was not there and we cannot rehearse and improve the scenes with 'Romeo'. Apart from that, everyone did what they are supposed to do.

  Since NDP is over, we are planning to have more meetings and more rehearsal, for the props, we are still coming up with ideas and for the costumes, we will be buying or borrowing from others. If there is still time for preparations, we will improve our skip by finding more suitable songs and improve each scene like adding more props in to it.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Learning Log 3

  'Macbeth', to me, is basically about loyalty, greed, temptations, betrayal and retribution. It is about a loyal and brave soldier who fought for his land and King, Duncan. But later part of the story shows three witches mysteriously appeared after the two wars. The witches first told him that he would received the 'Thane of  Cawdor' tittle, then they also foresee that Macbeth will get the King tittle too. Macbeth, of course, didn't believed what they had told him, but right after they vanished into thin air, a soldier riding on a ferocious horse came to give Macbeth the tittle of 'Thane of Cawdor'. Macbeth was delighted not only because he received the tittle, and also like what the witches said, he will be the King sooner or later. He believed those words as the witches' prediction accurate.  The witches not only pestered the Macbeth, they came to his wife too. His wife was a greedy lady and she influenced Macbeth to assassinate the King so he will have the tittle. Macbeth was a loyal soldier, he didn't agree on that at first, but with his greedy wife tempting him with the glory and wealth he would get, he was finally persuaded. His assassination was a success though, but the problem slowly came to light, they found out who was the murderer. And as time past, other Kingdoms joined in the force to fight Macbeth to seek justice for King Duncan. Macbeth, in the other hand, he was having a hard time in a way that his wife had died from depression and him also have mentally problems such as seeing ghosts and spirits of the people he shouldn't have killed, King Duncan and Banquo. Out of the blue, the witch came for Macbeth again, they told him that he would not be killed by a man that is born by a woman, upon hearing this, Macbeth did not feel scare anymore as he knew that no human in the world that is not born from a woman. Later, the war finally broke out, Macbeth was fighting as courageously as before, but he was killed in th end, killed by a man that was not normally born, the man was dug out from his mother's womb as his mother had died. Therefore, the man received the King tittle.    

  My favorite character is the man who was unnaturally born as he had uphold the justice by killing Macbeth who had betrayed his own king that had treated him so well.
  I learned that we being a human shouldn't be greedy and being greed wouldn't get us so far. I have also learned that we must return favor to people who had help us and not taking their help as granted.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Macbeth [Act 1 Scene 2]

In Act 1 Scene 2, Captain had met up with the Duncan King with a bloody image. The Captain told the King that Macbeth had won to wars continuously, Macbeth won Macdonwald and the Norwegion King, Macbeth fought bravely against the Norwegion King after a long war with Macdowald. Soon after the Captain finished his speech, Ross and Angus came. They were sent by the Norwegion King to request for a treaty, Duncan wanted 10000dollars and Norwegion's retreat. They accepted right away and exit.

William Shakesphere had used:
brandished steel- emphasize that the sword of Macbeth is formidable
smoked with bloody execution- so swift that the blood had evaporated
Like valor's minion carved out his passage- Macbeth was very brave
Shipwrecking storms and direful thunders break- violent war

Sunday, January 30, 2011


Dear Diary,
                  It has been an fun and lethargic day as usual. But today is slightly different. It's all start with...

                  It was a raining day, thunder roared and lightning flashed through the dark and eerie sky. `Chen Chen! Its raining now! Better have an umbrella with you!` my mum shouted from the kitchen. Just as she shouted, a mysterious voice came, `No need la, the rain gonna stop,` the voice resonated from within me. I was flabbergasted. I thought i had't had enough sleep and started to let my imagination run wild.
                   Back to the umbrella, as i always think that carrying or using umbrella is a 'girly' stuff, so my mum's advice had fell on deaf ears. Then, the raining from outside had suddenly subsided and my reaction was like 'wow'.
                  I thought that it was all just an coincidence, but the second event took place. the voice haunt me again, 'SUP! When u reached the train station, the train will arrived just in the nick of time and when u reached the interchange, your friend is already there waiting for you.' And again, i thought i had't slept well so i'm thinking too much.
                And again 'IT' was right again! when i got up the escalator, the train had just oped the doors, and when i reached the interchange, my friend was already there. Then i thought to myself again, 'It is just another  coincidence...maybe not?' 'A penny for your thoughts, what are you thinking?' my friend ask me. 'Nothing important' i replied.
               The bus came, we boarded the bus and alighted at our stop. But, on the bus ride, the voice harassed me again, 'Better pull up your socks if you know what's good for you! And your fringe too!' I was confused.
                But, after the two so called 'coincidence' incidents, i knew i can trust 'IT', so, i pulled up my socks and combed my fringe[and looked like a total nerd]
               At least our efforts paid off, there was a spot-check today! We are darn lucky! All thanks to the 'IT', and for the rest of the day, i had a fun day. 'IT' told me that i won't have a single homework today and 'IT' hit the nail on the head again! I never had a single homework and i played basketball throughout the whole day.
          'Who is that?' i asked myself, but that doesn't bother me anymore....